Ann’s Enlightment

Ann was on top of her game. She was beautiful, successful, rich and had a beautiful family. In short a case of pure perfection.

This is what the world would have you believe about her. It is said that paradox exists in the darkness behind the spotlight. Prone to intense mood swings, in fact secretly bipolar, insecure, unsure and very lonely. Ann’s only source of happiness was love, her insane, all pervasive, all consuming love for her baby.

She didn’t have any emotional asylum in this world. Her better half was with her, always when needed. Yet he couldn’t connect with her. She always yearned for love, which he was short of. Ann wanted to connect with someone in this big bad world.

Curling up in the kitchen corner she now realizes that this quest for love is what took her to disastrous depths, yet always saving her just when she’s at the edge.

Her career, her sanity and her life all at once was going through a spinning twist. Need I really risk everything, for just the sake of a few words? She repeatedly asked herself.

A loud cry came and was stuck in her throat. Her mind shouted YES….

You need to play this game of fire……. To quench your inner thirst.

And so she is waiting for those disastrous depths to come...... for she is ready to taste the fruits of her deeds.......without which she doesnt exist now.


ഈ ബ്ലോഗിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ജനപ്രിയ പോസ്റ്റുകള്‍‌

Moral of 3000 days